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Sneeze Ease Allergy Relief Tea

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Product Details

Between the sneezing, snotting, and coughing, seasonal allergies can be the ultimate drag. But not anymore!

Our al-natural Sneeze Ease Allergy Relief Tea is purposefully loaded with medicinal plants that have drying and tension relieving effects on the body, allowing your sinuses to tighten up those leaky mucous membranes.

This brilliant herbal blend of Mormon Tea, Yarrow, Elderflower, Nettle Leaf, Dandelion Leaf, Osha Leaf, and Sage Leaf is great for when allergey season has a chokehold on you — making this tea for allergies the perfect thing to keep on hand when that pollen starts piling up.Mormon Tea - Mormon tea is a wild herb harvested in the deserts of the southwest. It is used for its drying properties and sinus relief..

Key Ingredients:

  • Yarrow - Yarrow is used for its medicinal properties that bring in circulation and tension relief that helps when sinuses are clogged.
  • Elderflower - Elderflower is astringent and helps to tonify drippy tissues or a snotty nose.
  • Nettle Leaf - Nettle leaf helps to relieve allergies with its antihistamine like properties.
  • Dandelion Leaf - Dandelion leaf helps to detoxify the body from pathogens that may be causing allergic reactions.
  • Osha Leaf - Osha leaf opens up the respiratory system so that a better breath can be inhaled. It helps people adjust to altitude and allergies.
  • Sage Leaf - Sage leaf is a drying and aromatic herb that helps to open up the airways on the sinuses, and reduce drippy snot due to allergies.

All ingredients organic or wildcrafted

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